Welcome to the
Woodson Center Library!
We are proud to introduce our Woodson Center Library, stocked with seminal books that influenced the thinking of our founder, Scholars, Achievers and team! These works cover a broad variety of subjects from historical and autobiographical, to contemporary looks at key subjects — often with perspectives you will not find elsewhere.
Thank you for being here and helping share in our journey to build a culture of resilience and embrace of American values within every community in our country! And, for those planning — these books make great holiday gifts for your loved ones!

Red, White, and Black
Robert L. Woodson, Sr.

Lessons From the Least of These
Robert L. Woodson, Sr.

Please Stop Helping Us
Jason L. Riley

American Awakening: Identity Politics and Other Afflictions of Our Time
Joshua Mitchell

White Guilt
Shelby Steele

Triumphs of Joseph
Robert L. Woodson, Sr.

How The Other Half Learns
Robert Pondiscio

Suicide of the West
Jonah Goldberg

Losing the Race
John McWhorter

Up from Slavery
Booker T. Washington

Hillbilly Ellegy
J.D. Vance

Dust on a Road
Zora Neale Hurston

How Innovation Works
Matt Ridley

Seeing Like a State
John C. Scott

My Grandfather's Son
Clarence Thomas

The Future Once Happened Here
Fred Siegal

The Content of our Character
Shelby Steele

Be the People
Carol Swain

We Have Overcome
Jason Hill

Entrepreneurship and Self-Help Among Black Americans
John Sibley Butler

The Alternative
Mauricio Miller

You Need a Schoolhouse
Stephanie Deutsch

Wilfred Reilly

Jill Leovy

Black Rednecks and White Liberals
Thomas Sowell

Charter Schools and their Enemies
Thomas Sowell

The Coddling of the American Mind
Jonathan Haidt & Greg Lukianoff

Culture Worrier
Clarence Page

Chris Arnade

My Bondage and My Freedom
Frederick Douglass

Harlem's Hell Fighters
Stephen L. Harris

The Triple Package
Amy Chua & Jed Rubenfeld

Race Experts
Elizabeth Lasch-Quinn