VFZ Initiative: Evaluation of the Multi-State Mentoring Initiative
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Training and Technical Assistance for Community-Based Organizations
Nonprofit organizations and grassroots leaders (including those belonging to our 26-state Community Affiliates Network), are at various stages of organizational development. The Woodson Center (WC) helps grassroots individuals and organizations build operational...
Baylor University Study Details Violence Free Zone’s Positive Impact
Researchers from Baylor University have concluded.that the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise’s Violence Free Zone program in Milwaukee high schools is demonstrating an immediate effect in three areas: improved safety within the schools, increased presence of students...
CNE Uses Social Media to Deliver Financial Literacy Training
The Center for Neighborhood Enterprise is piloting the use of social media for outreach and delivery of the CNE/HSBC financial literacy training. Working with its grassroots community partner organizations, CNE has set a goal of launching 20 adult financial literacy...
Violence Free Zone Program Has Positive Impact on Richmond’s George Wythe High School
School and Police Data Show Progress Against Violence, Suspensions The youth anti-violence program piloted in George Wythe High School has already produced positive results in only four months, data from the Richmond School District indicates. The Center for...
Breaking Barriers: Ending School Violence and Improving Academic Success among Black Males
The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF), K.L.E.O. Community Family Life Center, and the Open Society Institute’s Campaign for Black Male Achievement will present “Breaking Barriers: Ending School Violence and Improving Academic Success among Black Males,”...
Violence Free Zone Improve Behavior and Performance in Middle and High School Students, Baylor University Study Finds
A youth violence-reduction mentoring program for trouble-plagued schools in urban centers has contributed to improved student behavior and performance at high-risk middle and high schools in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Richmond, Virginia, according to findings of a new...