
June 24, 2024

Journey to the Heart: VBMU Retreat (2023)

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Journey to the Heart: VBMU Retreat

In November 2023, Voices of Black Mothers United had the privilege of hosting its affiliate mothers in Costa Rica for their annual retreat. VBMU moms pour their lives into working to restore neighborhoods, support one another in grief, and put an end to the violence that took their children and loved ones.

The women of VBMU spent the weekend learning from one another, hearing devotional and motivational speakers, and finding new ways to better care for themselves so they can continue their vital work.

Here’s what they had to say after this “Journey to the Heart”:

“I’m healed, delivered and set free so in my full self, I can begin to pour out from a healthy place.”

“The rest opened me up for more vision of what I can do to help. It refreshed my mind.”

“When I came here I was truly down! I felt all alone, unworthy. But leaving here I feel loved, cared for, supported.”

“I left recharged and encouraged to continue to do the work. I’m also reminded of the support we have from the Woodson Center.”