Joseph Fund

For more than four decades, the Woodson Center has effectively addressed supposedly intractable social problems at their root. To demonstrate this impact to the entire country, the Woodson Center proposes the Joseph Fund, which in its first phase will raise $50M to resource community-based solutions that align with the enduring values that countless generations have relied on for success.

Download Joseph Fund Case Statement

The Biblical story of Joseph inspires the Joseph Fund. Joseph was falsely imprisoned and sold into slavery, but he never succumbed to bitterness. Instead, he became an expert advisor to Pharaoh, saving Egypt from famine and creating prosperity. The Woodson Center is committed to investing in these modern-day Josephs: community leaders whose expertise often goes unnoticed because they lack traditional credentials.

Meet one
of our Josephs

“The Woodson Center has been ACM’s greatest supporter. They have been instrumental in providing the roadmap in establishing our organization’s sustainability. Their pioneering investment in our transformative programs paved the way for us to secure federal funding, resulting in significant impact, saving countless lives and transforming the communities we serve, making them safer and more prosperous.”

— Terrance Staley, Executive Director, ACM